The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine (Michael Lewis) - Rating: 9.0/10

The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hatstand (Oliver Sacks) - Rating 10.0/10

A Random Walk Down Wall Street (Burton Milkier) - Rating 9.0/10

Surely You’re Joking Mr. Feynman - Rating 10.0/10

How I Lost My Virginity (Richard Branson) - Rating 8.0/10

The Big Short (Michael Lewis) - Rating 8.0/10

Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers (Robert Sapolsky) - Rating 7.0/10

Design of Everyday Ehings (Don Norman) - Rating 7.0/10

American Gods (Niel Gaiman) - Rating 9.0/10

Stumbling on Happiness (Daniel Gilbert) - Rating 8.0/10

5 Elements of Effective Thinking (E.B. Burger - Rating 9.5/10

Flatland (Edwin Abbott) - Rating 9.0/10

How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big (Scott Adams) - Rating 9.0/10

Seveneves (Neal Stephenson) - Rating 8.0/10

The Great Gatsby (Scott Fitzgerald) - Rating 10.0/10

Perfume (Patrick Suskind) - Rating 10.0/10

Mean Genes (Terry Burnham, Jay Phelan) - 8.0/10

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